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Estudiantes no volverán a las escuelas públicas en NC

Governor Roy Cooper announced that students will not be returning to North Carolina public schools for this school year.

Initially, the return to school was planned for the next However, as noted by the state superintendent, Mark Johnson, the current situation of COVID-19 does not allow it .

By now (going back to school) is no longer practical , Johnson said, adding: However, I want to assure everyone that this will not be the new normal . He announced that plans for next year are already underway, and that the government will soon share more of these measures.

Online classes

That the schools remain closed for the next 7 months does not imply, according to the authorities, that this will be a time of loss of the educational curriculum. This is because most of the students continue with classes through online platforms.

We all had to switch to remote learning overnight , the superintendent said.

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction ( DPI ) said it works to ensure that the materials students need to study from home arrive. In addition, the State Board of Education approved a plan that modifies the way students are evaluated at different levels.

For more information, contact your child's school directly.

For the latest local and Spanish information on the coronavirus in North Carolina, visit La Noticia .

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